Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Forget the hassling through airport security or the heavy traffic of people. The toughest part of the endless waiting at an airport is eating. I was handed this problem this past weekend when my team and I traveled to Nebraska to Big 10s! It was hard to eat a healthy and nutritious meal after the endless fast food restaurants appearing at every corner. It is no wonder America is called the fast food nation. For the convenience of the on-the-go cuisine emerging at every gate, having a delayed flight, and ending up being stuck in Minnesota for 5 hours, the fast food seemed to be the only option. However portion control is key to stay fit and healthy. This can be hard after a two-hour flight only receiving a puny bag of peanuts or pack of 10 mini pretzels.

 But portion control can be accomplished. Just follow some simple steps like choosing milk or water instead of pop and milkshakes. Pop and milkshakes are full of empty calories while milk and water are full of nutrients and keep you full. If a meal is what you are in need of choose one of these options:
·      Grilled Chicken
·      Fruit and yogurt
·      A hearty salad
·      A baked potato
·      A deli sandwich made with whole grain bread
·      Grilled fish
·      Nuts
·      Bottled water
·      Veggies

You can also bring your own!!! The good food you take on your travels can be as healthy as you want. Just make sure it fits in your carry-on luggage and passes through security regulations. Solid foods are always safe to go through like nuts, fruit, vegetables, granola bars, and sandwiches. Foods which consist of gel-like substances will not pass expectations.

            By following these simple tips, eating will become a breeze while waiting all day in an airport. Just remember portion control, skip empty calorie products, and eat a balanced meal. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mount Nittany

On the Penn State’s 10 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate, it states you should climb Mount Nittany. Mount Nittany is not only a Penn State landmark; it is a total of 9 miles of volunteer-maintained hiking trails. Alumnus, local residents, and students can hike the Mountain for healthy fun. It is found Lemont, PA off route 26, on a dirt path.

There are 2+ trails; two included are the blue trail and the white trail. Named perfectly for Penn State. The blue trail is around a 4.6 loop and the white trail is a 3.5 loop.   The hike itself is intermediate level and reaches 650-elevation gain.

Hiking up Mount Nittany is beautiful but can also be done for quality exercising. Hiking burns calories, reduces bad cholesterol, chances of depression decrease, and overall keeps a person calm and content. From first hand experience, hiking creates joyfulness for being outdoors. I love seeing wildlife and I usually hike with my younger cousins.

In addition to exercising, the climb can be sociable. Bring your friends for lasting memories and take a camera to record the event. The friends, family, or loved ones hiking with you would love to see the pictures in years down the road of the fun everyone shared on that beautiful day.

For the climb bring lots of water. Hydration is key for your body’s muscles- no matter the physical movement your body is performing. Also you can bring a healthy homemade trail-mix to quench your hunger on the trail. These snacks will be nutritious and delicious for any activity, but perfect for the climb.

A sample of a healthy recipe is adding all or some:
   raw almonds
   raw peanuts
   raw sunflower seeds (already shelled)
   raw macadamia nuts
   raw pecans
   raw Brazil nuts
   raw cashews
   raisins (I like both black and gold)
   * craisins
   dried apples
   dried apricots
   * dried pineapple chunks
   * dried bananas
   and Cheerios (or any other cereal for some extra crunch)

Eating while stressed

Life is full of unexpected moments. Tests come up, exams are failed and your favorite sport team loses anticipated games. Or on other serious matter, a death in a family may never be predicted. Losing someone close to you changes your whole world. Due to stress one may find medicine by the endless eating of chocolate or other high fat treats. From the startling death of my grandmother, I find myself scoffing down sponge candy and spoonful after spoonful of ice cream. As a disturbing time as this all may seem, don’t use food as the scapegoat, find a way to maintain your happiness.

It is very important to eat after a loved one is lost. For eating junk food or nothing at all (thus making yourself sick) would not bring them back.

Usually as the days get longer neighbors and family friends will bring trays of cheese, baskets of fruit, and platters of desserts. Dessert is my diversion of reality. But to find healthier escape is fruit. Fruit has fructose in it, which is one of the sweetest types of sugar. For example, grapes or dates are very high in fructose, which may help relieve stress. For as dumb as it may sound grapes are healthier than brownies.

If eating is the only thing that relieves your stress just try eating in moderation. Try having a meal that includes the five main food groups: fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy, and whole grains. Do not avoid all of your favorite foods that are high in fat, but do try to choose the more nutritional options like fruits and vegetables.

However, in a time of distress like this and eating does not seem to find your solution, talk to your family. Talk, walk, run, do something to keep your mind at ease. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Diner

Eating at a diner is a cross between eating at a fast food restaurant and home. The food is predictable, decent, and comes at a cheap price for the vast portions. The Diner, downtown on College Avenue makes no exceptions. It appears to have what every diner has, great booths, old-time color scheme, and always a wait for seating.  The diner on College though does have it’s own characteristics though, for example, the diner is home of the Sticky.

The Sticky is a delicious homemade sticky bun, slathered with butter, then grilled to perfection. It can even be served รก la mode for an additional dollar. Eating grilled Sticky’s, ice cream, and fried food may lead you to buy a new pair of pants and live in a food coma. But not all items found on The Diner’s menu are bad for your diet.

For example, eat a protein packed meal of steak and eggs, for breakfast. This will keep you full and focused for the day ahead of you. Another examples of good breakfast include eggs with toasts, oatmeal, and a veggie omelet. To save calories and extra fat choose bacon as your side instead of sausage links.

Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, however, lunch and dinner are important in having a balanced diet. Good menu options for a non-breakfast meal include the salads. Made with whole veggies and grilled chicken or steak, the salads provide protein, nutrients, good fats, and carbs. Additionally, chili or the soups of the day are good options to choose. If you are feeling extra hungry, order a grilled chicken sandwich upon whole wheat bread or roll. Eating a hamburger is also a great option to choose, just order small without the extra dose of ketchup and mayonnaise (extra salt and sugars).

The Diner may be known for the Sticky’s but it can also be a great place to eat when sticking to a diet. And for those who may not be able to avoid the Sticky, split it! Save the calories and fat, while still indulging in a Penn State Legacy!