Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Healthy at Starbucks

While living or going to a school with such a busy campus, such as Penn State, it is very easy to grab a snack on the go. Starbucks is a chain with numerous locations, two being directly in The Hub itself. It is a very easy stop to make on the way to class, for lunch, or for some studying. Making a pit stop at Starbucks usually meant buying a drink with empty calories or purchasing a pastry oozing with loaded fat.

So you thought.

There are ways to eat and drink healthy while maintaining your weight at Starbucks.

Stressing over an exam usually navigates me to Starbucks to order a comforting drink. However the whipped cream ordered atop my luscious delight only adds extra bulge to my waistline. Optioning the order without the whip saves you a whopping 70 calories and 7 grams of fat. That can save your diet from going down the wrong road.

Another calorie saving tip is to order your coffee, late, or specialty drink with skim milk. By choosing skim, the drinker is saving around a hundred calories and numerous grams of sugar. You can vastly improve the drink’s health value by adjusting your taste buds. Eventually skim may become a part of your new favorite drink.

Other than drinking, eating at Starbucks is helpful while on the run to and from school. Donuts, cookies, and other pastries are obviously not the healthy route to take when maintaining a healthy diet. However, Starbucks now offers sweets under 200 calories. My favorite is the peanut butter cupcake, with a real peanut butter cup on top! If you are looking for a nice meal, there are fruit cups made from real fruit, breakfast sandwiches made with real ingredients and whole wheat wraps, also oatmeal is served.

Remember, when ordering, the bigger the drink and longer the name, typically the more the calories you will be consuming. Debating on what to choose while waiting in line, use the Starbuck’s online calculator to find out the nutritional values of the product. By making these simple switches, it will help improve your health and waist. 

1 comment:

  1. Starbucks is my biggest weakness. After a long night of studying I need something to keep me going. I forbid myself from getting the White Mocha anymore. And I'm trying to lean more towards the teas. Oh, and the pastries are just good for looking at! It's so hard to maintain a healthy diet when pizza, fries, wings, and ice cream are just around the corner while the vegetables, fruit, and healthy foods are much harder to come by. Since I've been at school I've been extremely conscious of empty calories. I will NOT let myself fall into the freshman 15 stereotype! I like your blog, it's really interesting to a fellow health nut. :)
