Thursday, April 12, 2012

Popular Essay!

The only two magazines in which I enjoy reading are Women’s Health and Runner’s World. Sometimes I know exactly what the magazines are going to consist of but I still cannot wait for next months issue. Women’s Health magazine consists of basically all that it says on the cover. It applies to the women and talks about their health. There are bright colors, flashy font sizes, and catchy tittles, which grab any readers’ attention. The cover depicts (usually a celeb) which basically all modern day women would love to be. They are usually beautiful and very toned. The format has women health (makeup, workout gear, healthy food) adds flowing through the following format: an editorial, question & answer, the daily SCOOP with the world, a style and beauty lab, eating healthy section, healthy medication, way to loose weight, love portion, and usually ending with clothes no women would wear. The writing from the authors is usually informative but laid back-not like a professor, more like a smart friend.

On the other hand Runner’s World has in my opinion a wider audience. It can appeal to both men and women, which are physically active. Depending on who is on the cover will determine how eager I am to read the latest issue. For me, if there is professional runners that will make me stop what I am doing to dive into the magazine or a woman with really good abs (who doesn’t want rock hard abs?). The ads are usually more funny because there are all about running. Seriously, the latest shoes, the newest running technology clothing, or some crazy pill to help you lose weight (never know what that is in there). The format is similar to Women’s Health in that it starts with an editorial, then Q & A, then the Personal Best (pretty much the daily Scoop but for runners-like what to eat when you have a stomach ach on mile 9…), then articles about running authors or about a professional athlete, my favorite part gear (the September issue when they come out with new shoes- I am in pure happiness), the place to run! I could probably recite you the order in which everything comes in, this magazine to me is sometimes my Bible. The text is plan and the pictures are thrilling. Every single one of them makes you want to run, buy the product, or with the cool angles of food-make you want to try the food before you run. The tone of the articles can either be educational or humorous, depending on the seriousness of the article. Sometimes they are so funny I read them over and over and other times when I feel so enlightened I tell my whole track team of what I learned from my last issue.

Both magazines educate me and are filled with my favorite interests: nutrition and physical activity! Also both are filled with colors and wonderful photos. 

1 comment:

  1. I think your experience with track will produce a great paper.
