Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stay healthy while Partying

Like many college students, I myself, like to spend the weekends relaxed and not stressing about school. Between exams, never-ending readings, and papers, spending time with your friends, teammates, or classmates is a way to unwind and simply not think about classes, if only for a couple of hours. By having an enjoyable social life, a student can maintain happiness and live more freely. Whenever I have free time with no practice or team meetings, I find myself happier. Lame as it can be, it can include by watching an episode of “Once Upon a Time”, or “Modern Family.”

However, most of the Penn State student population likes to relax and unwind from the week in other ways. That includes binge drinking, drinking until you black out, or binge eating due to drinking.  Partying can be a good way to unwind but it can also be a damper on your health and diet. Most college students will not react to their decisions until consequences from police, coaches, and parents are made, they become sick, or develop “freshmen fifteen.”

The best tip I am willing to give to help with the rapid weight gain from partying would be to drink moderately. Students can still have a fun time but without the harmful effects from binge drinking. From non-binge drinking there would also be less of a chance of getting hung-over or being in a stage where you would want to eat everything in sight.

From personal experience, I remember going to a party and seeing examples of binge drinking first hand. There would be people, whom I never meet before, drinking excessively to have fun. As the night went on, the empty cans multiplied and saw partiers eating food they found, like a whole bag of potato chips or making a Snappy’s run somewhere to get more food.

Therefore, have fun on weekends to relax from the demanding week. If you do decide to party make responsible decisions and be accountable for your actions.  Lastly, if drinking is your answer, try to find ways to not drink excessively, and take turns between drinks with water, that way you will not find yourself drinking as much. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog and ideas! I heard that eating whilst partying is also an idea that may bite you in the back and on the scale!!
